LOG IN WITH TWITCHHave you ever noticed random users like these appearing in your viewers list even when you're not live?
What they do?
Most of them:
- Are malicious bots (with few exceptions).
- Attempts to attract attention, leading you or your audience to visit their channels and possibly exposing you to ads for their profit or other unknown intentions.
- Collects your metadata for unknown purposes.
- Makes your viewer list very inaccurate compared to your actual number of spectators, as they don't count towards views.
- Are identified and listed as bots on multilpe websites.
Our solution
What @unbotme do:
- Monitors your channel's viewer list, and upon detecting any of those bots, it automatically bans them for you.
- Exempts banning good bots that are genuinely there for beneficial purposes.

How to start?
- Click on "LOG IN".
- Authenticate your Twitch channel.
- Click on "JOIN MY CHANNEL".
- Ensure that you have granted moderator privileges to @unbotme.
- You are ready!